Thursday, 15 May 2014

2 weeks to go.....

So in just 2 weeks i will be setting off to work for VSO in Malawi as a volunteer clinical midwife instructor!! My placement will require me to help train student midwives and I cannot wait. 

I have been living and working in East london for the past 4 years and have been very lucky to develop my practice as a midwife in a resource filled supportive environment. I've decided to volunteer because I feel its important to share the skills I have been fortunate enough to learn allowing new midwives to provide care to women that otherwise may have had to birth alone. 

I hope to use this blog as a means of sharing my experiences with everyone back home.... although i'm not sure if I will have internet... ha this may be my only post!! 

It has been a very long journey to get to this point. But in my preparations I feel I have learned some important lessons.....

1. Material possessions are just that and you can actually live quite happily without an excess amount of clothes etc Selling my things proved this as a lot of stuff was worth very little even though I had paid a lot for it!! 

2. I'm a little more organised then I give myself credit for... although if there is space for procrastination I manage to fill it! 

3. Leaving people behind will be HARD! I think i definitely underestimated how sad I would be to leave the people I love. Its so easy when you have a good network of people in place to take them for granted!!

4. Mentally preparing for going overseas takes time and i've just come around the idea that this will actually be happening now!! 

5. The NHS is amazing.... I knew this already but since starting on my volunteer journey it has really been reiterated to me. We are very fortunate in this country. 

Now I just really cannot wait to start my placement and have something more interesting to write about!! I've been talking about my placement so much it will be great to actually live it!! I'm excited to experience everything!!!!! 

My bags are filling up very quickly with all manner of things. I do believe in packing for all eventualities. I have managed to stay quite practical in that the majority of my luggage consists of teaching material and midwifery resources. However I did purchase a spider spray that promises to keep spiders at bay.... I think my will for this to work may just make it happen!! I'll let you know how I get on....